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The group known today as REVERSED PICTURES A.S.B.L. came together during a student movie production in the summer of 2004. The crew was blown away by the Wachowski Brothers’ THE MATRIX, their 1999 sci-fi epic, and started working on its own prequel storyline with entirely new characters and locations. The film was produced on no budget. After wrapping REBOOT successfully and driven by the overwhelming experience, the group, now going under the name of REVERSED PICTURES, decided to do a sequel: INFINITY. Having been 5 years in production since, the movie should see a final release in the near future.

Based on our passion for this medium, the group decided in December 2009 to go public and become an 'association sans but lucratif' working in the fields of film, photography and graphic design. In the meantime more people joined REV_PIC contributing their own ideas, style and energy to make new fiction films or documentaries and thereby enlarging our creative capabilities in manifold ways. Thus we are currently an international group of around twenty twentysomething art-loving amateur filmmakers.